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Staffed Homes

staffed homes


NACL currently has several staffed homes within the community, providing a wide range of services to a diverse group of individuals.


Staffed Homes (for either adults or youth) operate 24 hours a day. Each home is overseen by a Program Supervisor (Director of Operations or Integrated Services Manager), with a Senior Residence Worker or Program Coordinator on site - and is licensed by the Ministry of Health (Licensing Branch), who ensures that provincial legislation is followed.


All homes are tastefully decorated, and each person served has their own private living area.  Each person served has a Person Centered Plan. Person Centered Planning ensures all people with diversabilities lead thriving lives of their choosing. Family and friends are strongly encouraged to be part of individuals’ lives.


All staff are trained based on the specific needs of each person served, and are required to provide and keep the following requirements up to date: 


First Aid Certificate 

• Criminal Record Check 

• Class 4 Unrestricted Driver’s License for vans equipped with wheelchair accessibility

• PCT (Person Centered Thinking) Training

• SIVA (Supporting Individuals Through Valued Attachments) Training


Home Share



In 2009, NACL launched our Home Share Program to match our persons served with the right Home Share Provider, in order to promote independence and inclusivity in a family setting.


The Home Share Provider’s role is to oversee the health, safety and well-being of the individual they support 24 hours a day. Providers ensure that the individual has opportunities for personal and social development within the household, with the family in their community while focusing on optimizing independence, self-determination, and choice.


The "right match" speaks to what is important to and important for the individual, identified through a Person Centered Planning process. NACL takes time to get to know the Home Share Provider and their family through the Home Study process. It is important that the wants, needs, and values of everyone are honored and respected.


Once an individual is matched with a Home Share Provider, NACL monitors the Home Share arrangement and offers ongoing support to the Home Share Provider on matters such as personal care, health and safety, conflicts, medication, and any other issues that may arise.


Anyone interested in becoming a potential Home Share Provider can pick up an information package from our Administration office or request information from one of our Home Share Department team members.

Outreach Services

outreach services


We assist adults with diversabilities to live in their own dwellings (i.e. apartment settings), providing supports as needed.  We currently own and manage our 28-unit townhouse/apartment complex on Uplands Drive via our Uplands Outreach program, and have partnered with our friends at Ballenas Housing Society (formerly Nanaimo Affordable Housing Society) to support people at apartments in downtown and central Nanaimo through our Prideaux Outreach program and our newly-launched Parksville Outreach - with more exciting expansions and partnerships to come.  Stay tuned!


Outreach services at Uplands are available from 0700-2200 daily (with live-in after-hours on-call available for emergencies), and at Prideaux from 0930-1730 daily.


Community Inclusion

community inclusion (ACTIONS DAY PROGRAM)


Actions Day Program is a comprehensive, community-based day program that offers services to participants on a part-time and full-time basis while following COVID-19 directives of our federal and provincial government, funding bodies, and other relevant authorities. Participants are supported in group or independent settings, and encouraged to partake in a variety of activities related to their individual goals, interests, needs, skills, and choices.  


Actions focuses on personal growth and community inclusion, promoting opportunities for social and interpersonal relationships through activities in:


  • Volunteering

  • Communication skill development

  • Creative expression

  • Life skill development (i.e. re nutrition and food, living independence, and rights/privileges as a Canadian citizen)

  • Vocational development

  • Recreational and leisure activities

  • Accessing community resources to meet our participants' personal needs


Employment Services



Are you an employer who is looking for qualified and skilled staff?


The return on your business investment by hiring people with diversabilities can:


  • Contribute to a better rate of attendance, punctuality, employee morale, teamwork, and safety in the workplace;

  • Reflect the demographics of your community and enhance the community’s understanding of people with diversabilities; and

  • Free other staff resources to complete tasks and increase productivity. 


PLUS...our job seekers are excited to come to work every day and contribute to the outcome of a successful business!


Hiring people with diversabilities is feasible, and it makes good business sense because: 


When you work with NACL Employment Services, an Employment Specialist works to meet the unique and specific needs of your business with the skills of the person with diversabilities, in order to achieve success.


NACL’s Employment Services will provide all aspects of employment that are tailored to the needs and capabilities of each person: job procurement, job matching and training as well as support for the employer, their co-workers and the person with a diversability. 


This is what local business leaders have to say about hiring NACL "Job Seekers..."


Rob Wilkinson (from the Milton Street Public House):


“Everyone is equal and deserves the same opportunity. I hire people who do the best they can on any given day—that’s it, that’s everything! I think that different folks in the kitchen enrich the environment in a way that you can’t calculate or measure. It improves the quality and honesty of the product we create.” 

Snoezelen Room

Snoezelen room


Snoezelen (pronounced "snoo-za-len") is a combination of two Dutch verbs: "snuffelen," which means to seek out and explore, and "doezelen," which means to relax.


This is a very special experiential room for people with diversabilities to encounter a rich and stimulating environment which blends sight, sound, texture, and light – gently stimulating primary senses. 


The Snoezelen Room provides an experience that is free from expectation of others and the pressures of directed care. Participants experience self-directed exploration, relaxation or sensory stimulation and respond to these new sensations in their own unique way. 


Research supports multi-sensory environments such as the Snoezelen Room can offer visual, auditory, and kinesthetic benefits to people of all ages and abilities. 


NACL's Snoezelen Room is generally open Monday to Friday, but can be flexible with days/times as needed.


Book an appointment with us today!  Click the button below to connect by e-mail, or give our Snoezelen Room staff a call at (250) 741-0224, ext. 232.



Interested in working with us? 

Stay informed

Thanks for submitting!

P (250) 741-0224

F (250-741-0227


201 - 96 Cavan Street

Nanaimo, BC, V9R 2V1

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At NACL, we acknowledge with gratitude that we live, work, and play on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Coast Salish Peoples; the lands of the Snuneymuxw, Sna’naw’as, and Stzu’minus First Nations, and the Mid-Island Metis.


We also thank the City of Nanaimo for continued support through its Permissive Tax Exemption Program.


© 2023 NACL Nanaimo Association for Community Living. Site created by Gio Creative.

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